If I Want to Win, I Have to be #2: Part 3

Finally, Reason #3 of why we must be #2 to Win. Drum Roll pleaseeee*…

Reason #3: This is how we snare PRIDE. God hates pride. Why? Because it keeps us from Him, it keeps us from seeking His face: “The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts.” -Psalms 10:4. It separated Lucifer from God forever. The Word of God says this about Satan: “For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God…” -Isaiah 14:13. He got caught up in being the best. God lost His most beautiful angel to pride. Do you think He wants to lose you? Absolutely not. So, when we are content being #2, we have snared the self-pride in us by saying, “I don’t have to be the MOST smart, beautiful, rich, etc.” Instead, we lay and rest in contentment with what God has given to us. When we get so wrapped up trying to be number 1, then our minds begin to be corrupted and like Satan did, we obsess over it, even giving up the glory and riches of heaven to obtain such a minuscule thing. Lucifer gave up all of glory with the silly thought that he had a chance at becoming higher than God himself. It was never going to happen and in the process, he lost all eternity  with God forever- born of just a simple idea that he could be the best. It seems harmless at first, but don’t let pride separate you from God this way because you’re so caught up in trying to obtain that #1 position, that you forget to FIRST seek the kingdom of God. I hope this blessed you and I thank you so much for taking time out of your day to hear what the Lord has to say. As always, feel free to contact me in the “Contact” tab at the top of the site for anything, questions, comments, etc. Thank you so much again. Lessons and Blessings Family.

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